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Meet Liz Jones, Student RMT and Craniosacral Therapist

short-hair-staffLiz Jones, student RMT and Craniosacral Therapist, brings over a decade of experience in holistic wellness and massage therapy. My journey began in 2013 when I founded Jellyfish Float Spa, a serene oasis dedicated to providing individuals with a safe haven to unwind and release the burdens of daily life.

At Jellyfish Float Spa, creating a nurturing environment where clients could feel safe to be vulnerable and let their stresses melt away was my utmost priority. It was during this time that I discovered my passion for facilitating healing, which led me to pursue further education in Craniosacral Therapy.

Discovering Passion for Facilitating Healing

In 2015, I embarked on a journey of learning and growth, completing Craniosacral 1 & 2, as well as Somatoemotional Release 1 & 2 courses. Over the years, I honed my skills as a Craniosacral Therapist, delving deeper into the subtle ways the body expresses dysfunction and guiding clients towards their natural state of balance.

Craniosacral Therapy, with its gentle touch, penetrates deep into the body’s structures through the fascial system. Fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles and organs, plays a vital role in maintaining structural integrity and facilitating movement.

In 2022, fueled by my passion for holistic wellness, I decided to further my education and enrolled in the Evolve School of Massage Therapy. After completing one year of study, I took a hiatus to sell Jellyfish Float Spa while continuing to practice as a CST therapist and refine my relaxation massage skills.

Returning to the full-time Registered Massage Therapy program in the fall of 2024, I am now on the cusp of graduation and have found a new home at n8 Chiropractic & Massage Therapy. Working alongside a dedicated team of like-minded individuals has been an incredible blessing, allowing me to continue my journey of healing and growth.

Exploring Well-being Together

Beyond my professional endeavors, my beautiful family remains my main priority. We cherish warmer weather activities such as camping, fishing, and swimming, and love to explore new destinations through travel. As I continue to evolve in my practice, I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve and support others on their path to well-being.

Get Started Today

Contact us today to book your first appointment. We look forward to meeting you!

Liz Jones | (204) 615-9844