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Athletic Therapy in Winnipeg

Ultrasound therapyWhether you’re a runner, cyclist, hiker, or CrossFitter, you want to be at your athletic best. At n8 Chiropractic & Massage Therapy, we offer athletic therapy to help you stay in the game!

As experts in the musculoskeletal system, athletic therapists possess a deep understanding of the science behind bodily movement and exercise. They specialize in assessing injuries, rehabilitating post-injury, reconditioning, and preventing further damage. Athletic therapists also provide emergency and acute care, making them the go-to professionals on the sidelines during sporting events.

Who Can Benefit?

Athletic therapy is for everyone! Whether you’re an athlete recovering from a concussion, someone involved in a motor vehicle collision, or even someone going through hip replacement surgery, our services are tailored to meet your unique needs. We can help you relieve pain, improve function, and treat nagging injuries, all while minimizing the risk of future setbacks in your daily activities or sports.

Expect a Comprehensive Evaluation

When you choose athletic therapy, you can expect an exceptional level of care. During your initial visit, our certified Athletic Therapist, Mylène Gagné, will conduct a thorough history-taking session, followed by a detailed assessment to diagnose your specific problem. Based on these findings, a personalized and comprehensive treatment plan will be designed to propel you forward in your recovery journey.
Putting pressure on arm

A Suite of Therapies to Help You Heal

Our treatment sessions encompass a range of techniques to address your needs. We’ll employ the most effective methods to accelerate your healing process. Additionally, we’ll guide you through an exercise program tailored to your goals and abilities. These include the following:

  • Massage
  • Stretching
  • Joint mobilizations
  • Ultrasound
  • Exercise Programs
  • Manual Therapy
  • TENS, IFC treatment

Insurance Information

Athletic therapy is often covered by insurance companies such as Manitoba Blue Cross, SunLife, Canada Life, Green Shield, and more. If you’re unsure about your coverage, a quick call to your insurance provider can provide the clarity you need. We also work with Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) claims and Workers Compensation Board (WCB) claims, ensuring that your path to recovery is supported every step of the way.

Get Out of Pain and Get Back
in the Game

Don’t let pain and injury hold you back from achieving your full potential. Contact n8 Chiropractic & Massage Therapy today to book an appointment with Mylène.

Athletic Therapy Winnipeg MB | (204) 615-9844